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Attal and the Macronians want a government without RN and LFI. An impossible dream



Renaissance, Emmanuel Macron’s party, and its group in the Assembly clarified the contours of a government program on Tuesday, addressing an open letter sent to all parties in the Assembly, from the Republicines on the right all the way to Les verts on the left, calling on them all to work together for a new government, “Overcoming Diversity.”

After the leaders of the left on Tuesday, it was Gabriel Attal’s turn to write to other parliamentarians. In a letter, written while wearing the hat of president of the Macronist group in the Assembly, he asks the leaders of the other groups in the Assembly “to engage in discussions” starting with a programmatic base he describes.

A base of priorities, such as fiscal consolidation, defense of secularism, purchasing power ….. A proposal for dialogue from which RN, Eric Ciotti’s group allied to RN and LFI are excluded.

“It is therefore not a matter of erasing our differences and divergences, but of overcoming them,” he writes.
“We have to agree to start working.”

Too bad that the conditions set by Gabriel Attal seem for the moment to make any dialogue to build a broad majority impossible. At present, there are insurmountable lines on both sides, concerning the economy and of essential rights. To think that there can be a common vision from the moderate but strongly capitalist right wing of the Republicines to the Greens is unrealistic. There is no common ground to work with.

In fact, Attal, with these statements, seems to ignore the election result that saw, for better or worse, the left as the winner of the elections. To think that this one does not want to question the years of Macronist rule seems impossible. For ecologist Benjamin Lucas, on the contrary, discussions must begin with the program of the left, that of the NFP, which also includes LFI.

“Gabriel Attal is incredibly arrogant. His initiative is nothing. It’s nice that he writes us, but he has to recognize the reality of the ballot box, the reality of the composition of Parliament.”

So it goes back to the words and call for dialogue by Lucie Castets, candidate of the united NFP for prime minister. A left-looking leader who will never cooperate with the repubblicaines and put the Macronists in a secondary position. However, this result was desired by Macron and attal, and their electoral maneuvers.

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