France orders seven new SAMP/T systems, and Italy 10

Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced on Tuesday that an order for seven additional air defense systems (SAMP/T New Generation), created and designed by Eurosam, a subsidiary of MBDA and Thales, had been placed during his visit to Rome for the European Air and Missile Defense Conference. The French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) and the manufacturers signed the contract in July of last year.
In total, France has already ordered eight modernized SAMP/T systems (NG for new generation), the first of which will enter the armed forces in 2026. These new batteries will be able to integrate VL-Mica missiles, new Aster 30 B1 missiles, and two AESA radars (Thales GF300 and Leonardo Kronos GM HP). In principle, by 2035 France will have 12 operational systems with enhanced operational capabilities.
The Military Planning Law (LPM) actually provides for the ordering of four more systems in 2027. The conference, held in Rome in the presence of Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto and his French counterpart Sébastien Lecornu, follows the first event organized by France in Paris on June 19, 2023 during the Bourget air show.
According to Defense Minister Crosetto, Italy has demonstrated a strong interest in the anti-aircraft system by placing an order for up to ten batteries.
A competitor to the U.S. Patriot, France claims to be able to deliver a system within two years after the contract enters into force. Starting in October, a firing campaign will be a milestone on the road to deploying this system. This speed of development and delivery demonstrates the minister’s confidence in manufacturers MBDA and Thales, which have accelerated the pace of production of the SAMP/T system and the Aster 15 and 30 missiles. In this regard, the French Air Force is expected to receive the first Aster missiles ordered in early 2023. Several dozen missiles should then be delivered in 2024. For Sébastien Lecornu, this new industrial agility has allowed him to say that “the SAMP/T is now an off-the-shelf product.” Which means quickly.