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In Europe, there is no respect for democracy and the people, except in Giorgia Meloni



One may or may not agree with Giorgia Meloni, but, for sure, she is at this moment the only European political leader who has a minimal respect for democracy. Giorgia Meloni, in the hours leading up to tomorrow’s and the day after tomorrow’s European Council, has sent a clear signal for the external front and the internal front.

The air has changed in Brussels, and it must be taken note of. France and Germany are coming apart politically, and Italy is no longer the “I” of the famous PIGS of the beginning of the last decade. Consequently, everything cannot continue as if nothing had happened.

He deserves to repropose his words: “If we want to do a good service to Europe and its credibility, we must show that we have understood the mistakes of the past and have in the highest regard the indications that have come from the people through the vote. And even if some prefer to ignore them, those indications are very clear: the citizens are asking for a Europe that is more concrete and that is less ideological.”

And if, as is happening with the succession of news stories about alleged “deals made” (even by videoconference…), someone prefers to shoot straight, then comes the warning: “The mistake that is about to be made, with the imposition of this logic, and of a majority, by the way, that is fragile and destined probably to have difficulties in the course of the European legislature, is a major mistake. Not for yours truly, or for the center-right, or even just for Italy, but for a Europe that does not seem to understand the challenge it faces, or that understands it but prefers in any case to prioritize other things.”

In other words, “unpleasant things could happen.” Because the EU’s institutional architecture, with its web of unanimous, qualified majority decisions and trialogues between the Commission, Parliament, and Council, simply does not allow anyone to venture into majority rule,. Starting with the election of the Commission President by secret ballot by Parliament. Then, continuing with legislative codecisions that would become Vietnam,.

The goal is to “work to see that we get recognized for what is due to Italy as a nation, not to the government, not to this or that party, but to the nation. We have not always been adequately accorded that weight in the past, but the message that the citizens have delivered to us with the vote is a clear message, and I don’t intend to let it fall on deaf ears.”

Recall that French politics will be decided this weekend, but the usual unelected bureaucrats and politicians in Brussels would like to disregard the citizens and their votes and decide everything in spite of the citizens’ opinion. The only politician who, at least, seems to respect the people is Giorgia Meloni.

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