Marine Le Pen calls again for an extraordinary session of the Parliament for deciding of the new French Prime Minister

Marine Le Pen calls again for an extraordinary session of the French Parliament. The leader of the Rassemblement National party, Marine Le Pen, reiterated Monday her call for an extraordinary session of Parliament in September, whose agenda she said should include “a debate on public finances,” before the budget is discussed later. “It is intolerable that parliamentarians do not meet in an extraordinary session,” Marine Le Pen wrote in an open letter, posted on the social network X, addressed to the other group leaders of the National Assembly and the Senate.
Last week, after a meeting at the Elysee Palace with Emmanuel Macron, she had already called for parliament to convene to meet before the new prime minister is appointed. This will be necessary in any case so that the new head of government, whose appointment seems imminent, can deliver his general policy speech.
This time, Marine Le Pen is proposing to her interlocutors to “work on a consensual agenda” for this extraordinary session, which she says should “include a debate on the state of French public finances and the finances of the social security system.”
Parliament must “address this issue as quickly as possible, in particular by examining the law approving the accounts for 2023,” she stresses, as this text must be voted on before the examination of the 2025 budget, which the government must present on October 1 at the latest. Between now and then, other topics could also be discussed, such as “the conditions for the start of the new school and/or university year, the situation of our cereal farmers after the bad harvest (…) or health policy,” Marien Le Pen adds.
Normally the French National Assembly, the Parliament, meets in early October. By Extraordinary Session, provided for in the Constitution, the prime minister or a majority of the parliamentarians can request that the opening of the proceedings be brought forward.
A statement released on Monday by the Assembly’s social and ecological groups claimed that “Emmanuel Macron’s obsession with ensuring the continuity of a policy rejected by the French people is leading an entire country to collapse” and demanded an extraordinary meeting. The Communists had also called for an extraordinary session of Parliament last week.
It is not for the President of the Republic to replace the National Assembly,” the group added. “He has thrown the country into uncertainty by declaring dissolution and can no longer delay the expression of this new Assembly.”
Asked about the issue on Sunday, Assembly Speaker Yaël Braun-Pivet (Renaissance) also said she was in favor. In case of the appointment of a prime minister, “I will call for an extraordinary session” because “in the current political circumstances we cannot not listen to and question the prime minister who would be appointed and his government,” she said, host of Questions politiques on France Inter.