Something is moving in the case of Pavel Durov. After Russia, which asked to grant consular protection to Durov and was turned down, it is now...
There is currently a big elephant in the room of the German economy. What role this elephant ultimately plays is not yet clear. But there are...
La France insoumise (LFI) has no intention of easing the pressure on French President Macron and seems well determined to give him trouble. In the wake...
We are at the settling of scores in France. Tones have risen another notch between the Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) and Emmanuel Macron. In a letter...
Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is facing scrutiny over who authorized a security pass at Downing Street for Lord Waheed Alli, a...
Pavel Durov, founder of VK and Telegram and CEO of the messaging platform, was arrested in Paris, as you have surely heard from any news source,...
France and Germany are prey to probable attacks from Islamic terrorism. The most serious case happened in Germany, where on Friday night a man shouted “allah...
French President Macron’s design is clear: He wants to keep fending off the candidates of the united NFP, with the far-left LFI party also inside,...
Congressman Mike Waltz, a Republican and member of Secret Services Committee, has expressed skepticism over the official narrative that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old who attempted...
It is a German-style paradox: Germany’s federal government and those in the states are complaining about severe financial difficulties and the cuts they will have to...