Congressman Mike Waltz, a Republican and member of Secret Services Committee, has expressed skepticism over the official narrative that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old who attempted...
It is a German-style paradox: Germany’s federal government and those in the states are complaining about severe financial difficulties and the cuts they will have to...
An economic disaster is surrounding French New Caledonia. Keeping hope alive. Eric Vlaeminck believes he has no other choice. “If we go to bed with a...
In recent times, China’s health authorities have been playing a rather grim game of “Pandemic Pretend,” conducting drills for infectious disease outbreaks across the nation. Picture...
The King of Morocco has decided to pardon more than 4,800 cultivators investigated or convicted in cases of illegal cannabis cultivation, the Justice Ministry announced Monday...
The GOP-led congressional committees investigating the Biden family announced in a 291-page report that the president engaged in impeachable conduct by helping to enrich his family...
It appears that corruption is not only a Mediterranean problem, as many European newspapers would have us believe, but that even among good American Democrats, such...
In a significant diplomatic move, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s recent trip to Beijing has marked a potential turning point in Italy-China relations. This visit comes...
The Olympic Games in Paris are over, but we still do not know who may be the prime minister . Macron will meet with politicians on...
France is losing its traditions, including its food traditions, under the ever-increasing pressure of Muslim immigrants to impose their religion. After an altercation in his store...