Regional elections in the Czech republic. Big success for sovereignists.

Regional elections were held in the Czech republic, renewing the 675 members of local regional parliaments as well as members of the Senate.
The sovereignist party ANO, a member of the European Patriots Group, managed to reach 291 seats, an increase of 119. Allied parties that were part of the right , such as the ECR, or the center-right, such as the Populars, held their positions, while left-wing parties and the Greens literally disappeared.
Here are the results
ANO-PfE: 291 (+119)
ODS-ECR: 106 (+8)
STAN-EPP: 93 (+5)
KDU/ČSL-EPP: 48 (-8)
SPD-ESN: 32 (+7)
KSČM-NI: 33 (+21)
TOP 09-EPP: 16 (-4)
SocDem-S&D: 13 (-21)
Piráti-G/EFA: 3 (-96)
In the Czech Republic, therefore, a European turn toward center-right or identity positions and rejection of immigration diktats is also confirmed. Tomorrow there will be voting in Brandenburg, Germany, and expectations are for a head-to-head between the Socialists, in the first party and in government since 1990 , and the right-wing AfD, which was ahead in the polls.