Scholz Achtung! elections in Thuringia and Saxony are shaping up to be terrible for the government

Voting will take place on Sunday in two important states of the former East Germany. A test for the Scholz government and its policies, a mix of hard-line environmentalism, socialism and austerity.
Despite the chancellor’s latest stances that wink at populism by promising a hard hand against illegal immigrants, promising expulsions in a big way, it seems that the government cannot get much popularity, looking at voter polls.
Let’s start with Thuringia, where the nationalist AfD party garners more than 30 percent of support, while the entire governing coalition, SPD , Greens and Liberals, barely makes it to 12 percent.
Nationalist AfD tending to the right, the CDU, now in opposition, and BSW, a populist but left-wing party, dominate in this land.
Let’s look at the election polls for Saxony.
Here things are not much different: AfD comes in at 32 percent, and even here the government parties, all of them assy, come in at only 12 percent. In this case, the defeat of the government forces is even more obvious.
It will be very interesting to see the composition of the future governments of these states. To leave AfD out of the government the alliances will have to be forced and against nature. These unnatural combinations will only strengthen AfD.
However, the political failure of the German Social Democrats is evident. One wonders how such a much-maligned majority has not yet decided to resign and put the word back to the German people.