Milan: from fashion city to center of insecurity. The result of lax and unenforced laws

Milan used to be the city of fashion, but it is on its way, by dint of wild immigration, savings and crazy local policies, to becoming the city of thefts.
As early as 2023, the city won the first position as the most insecure city in Italy in terms of the number of crimes, according to a ranking by the business newspaper Sole24ore. Now public order officials are sounding the alarm.
Today the police festival was held, and the city’s police chief, Giuseppe Petronzi, presented some disturbing data while presenting the city’s decadence.
“the most aggressive and perceived crimes,” such as robberies and injuries, which, compared to last year, have increased from 893 to 960. Too many and growing are the cases in which young people, especially foreigners, have resorted to using knives to overpower victims or to rob them in the street.”
“The involvement of foreigners in robberies committed on the public street remains a current issue: from 71 percent of cases in 2022 to 81 percent in 2023. Robberies attributed to them reached 96% of the total. Just as prevalent is the percentage of foreigners among the as many as 30 arrested for robberies of luxury watches,” remarked the quaestor. So it’s really true: many foreigners come to Italy and go particularly to Milan to do those jobs that Italians no longer want to do, such as pickpocketing.
However, issues go beyond minor theft. The author states, “I am saddened and disturbed by the growing aggression toward our police officers.” The number of officers injured in the first half of 2023 almost doubled to 62 in the second half. Thoughts go back to a few weeks ago, when our patrols were assaulted on Padua Street (a rather central street in the city ) by about 30 people trying to prevent the arrest of those responsible for a serious robbery that took place downtown. Their accomplice, who had already been arrested in flagrante delicto , had broken the nose of our colleague Jessica, who had to undergo surgery.” . But it is not over.

Policeman against a man with a knife
“The police have further increased their law enforcement activities with as many as 4750 arrests in 2023. An important figure that nevertheless does not soothe the sense of widespread insecurity. And, therefore, I ask myself some simple questions. Among them: did we arrest 4750 times or 4750 people? And so it shows, for example, that 291 people were arrested twice and 66 people as many as three times; there is no shortage of cases who were arrested as many as 6 times. Repeat offenders accounted for 18 percent of those arrested. Thus, the issue of recidivism and legal and social tools aimed at combating certain criminal phenomena comes up again.” Because the problem with the law in Europe, and in Italy in particular, is not that it is not enforced, but that convictions are nonexistent, no one goes to jail, no one
The mayor wants to shut everything down at midnight
Leftist Mayor Giuseppe Sala has come up with an idea to solve the problem: shutting down all businesses, such as ice cream parlors, and taking away pizza at midnight. After that hour in Milan, you will no longer be able to buy an ice cream cone or a bottle of water and consume it on the street, especially in certain areas most frequented by young people.
The illusion is that by shutting down the so-called “Movida,” we will have a safer and quieter city, but it is an illusion: those who want to make noise on the street will do so anyway, simply buying drinks first and taking them to the street. The only result will be to cut off revenue from legitimate activities in favor of those who engage in non-regular activities instead, all while only making the city sadder and darker.
The living Milan of the 1980s and 1990s no longer exists. It is now a city where security is uncertain, exactly as it is in California, for example.