How come Durov was arrested on charges of aiding, through Telegram, pedophiles, while the operators of France’s leading internet service provider,, are at large...
Something is moving in the case of Pavel Durov. After Russia, which asked to grant consular protection to Durov and was turned down, it is now...
La France insoumise (LFI) has no intention of easing the pressure on French President Macron and seems well determined to give him trouble. In the wake...
We are at the settling of scores in France. Tones have risen another notch between the Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) and Emmanuel Macron. In a letter...
France and Germany are prey to probable attacks from Islamic terrorism. The most serious case happened in Germany, where on Friday night a man shouted “allah...
French President Macron’s design is clear: He wants to keep fending off the candidates of the united NFP, with the far-left LFI party also inside,...
The Olympic Games in Paris are over, but we still do not know who may be the prime minister . Macron will meet with politicians on...
France is losing its traditions, including its food traditions, under the ever-increasing pressure of Muslim immigrants to impose their religion. After an altercation in his store...
Renaissance, Emmanuel Macron’s party, and its group in the Assembly clarified the contours of a government program on Tuesday, addressing an open letter sent to all...
Now the Olympics are over, with Macron appearing overjoyed at what he considers to be a success. He can live in illusion on this point, but...