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76% of French oppose sending soldiers to Ukraine to fight against al Russia



Macron would have done better to hear the opinion of the French before talking about possibly sending troops to Ukraine. According to a poll conducted by the CSA institute for CNEWS, Europe 1, and JDD and published on Wednesday, February 28, 76 percent of French people are against sending French military troops to Ukraine as part of the war against Russia.

A possible military deployment that clearly does not meet with popular approval. A poll by the CSA Institute, conducted for CNEWS, Europe 1, and Le JDD, showed on Wednesday, February 28, that more than 3 out of 4 French people (76 percent) believe that French military troops should not be sent to Ukraine.

This result comes after Emmanuel Macron “did not rule out” sending Western ground troops to the country at war with Russia during a press conference on Monday.

Only 23 percent were in favor of this measure, while 1 percent preferred not to answer.

A dryly contrary opinion, regardless of age

In the details of the CSA study, both men (77%) and women (75%) surveyed rejected the idea of sending French military troops to Ukraine. Curiously, the percentage of men who evidently do not have much desire to go to the front is slightly higher.

However, the differences are greater when respondents are broken down by age: while respondents under the age of 30 all seem to be on the same page, with nearly 70% of respondents opposed to sending French troops, the gap on the issue is much wider among those aged 50–64.

Curiously, the most opposed to sending troops are those in their 50s, with only 14% favorable, 85% unfavorable, and 1% uncertain. Among young people under 35, 28% are in favor, 70% are unfavorable, and 2% are uncertain. However, even among young people, opinion is strongly against.

Among different social classes, respondents with the highest income (73%), those with the lowest income (76%), and inactive French people (77%), are largely opposed to the idea put forward by the President of the Republic.

Right-wingers are most strongly opposed to sending soldiers

In terms of opinions by political preference, a much higher percentage of right-wing respondents (81%) were against sending French soldiers to Ukraine. While 76% of respondents close to the Républicains, centrists, were against this possibility, 84% of respondents close to the Rassemblement National also shared this opinion.

The percentages also fluctuate considerably on the left (67% “no” overall), where only 65% of Socialist Party supporters said they opposed sending French military troops to Ukraine, while 78% of respondents close to Europe Écologie-Les Verts shared this view.

In fact, all French politicians were more or less harshly opposed to military intervention in Ukraine: Éric Ciotti, president of the Républicains, called it a “statement fraught with terrible consequences,” while Marine Le Pen, for the RN, felt that Emmanuel Macron was “playing warlord.”

However, in no citizen category considered, however one analyzes it, those in favor of the intervention outnumber those against it. So not only has Macron, in his statements, found himself isolated internationally, but he is also isolated in local public opinion.

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