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CIA analyst accused of being an agent of South Korea and also influenced the Washington Post



This is how things work in the great collusive mess that is Washington. Sue Mi Terry, 54, who was a Korean affairs analyst for the CIA, has been charged with acting as a foreign agent for South Korea.

The indictment alleges that Terry, who was born in South Korea and later became a naturalized U.S. citizen, “failed to register as a foreign agent and conspired to violate the Foreign Agent Registration Act.” So she allegedly acted covertly inside the U.S. government on behalf of Korea.
Prosecutors allege that Terry received expensive gifts and covert funding from South Korea’s intelligence agency in exchange for classified information and the promotion of their policies.

Terry, who is the wife of Washington Post columnist Max Boot, is also accused of writing opinion pieces for the Washington Post on behalf of the South Korean government. Because reporting is done in a comprehensive way, including public relations work,.

As a columnist for the Washington Post, Boot had also published numerous articles claiming that Trump won the 2016 election with Russian help.
Sue Mi Terry, a former Korean affairs analyst for the CIA and married to Washington Post columnist Max Boot, was accused of acting as a foreign agent for South Korea beginning in 2013. Prosecutors allege that Terry, who was born in Seoul and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, failed to register as a foreign agent and conspired to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Prosecutors allege that Terry, 54, received luxury gifts and covert funding from South Korean intelligence in exchange for promoting their policies and disclosing classified information. Among the gifts cited are high-end handbags, a coat, and expensive meals.

The indictment includes charges that Terry wrote opinion pieces for the Post at the request of South Korean officials without disclosing their involvement. The Post has since added editorial notes to several articles she co-authored with Boot, acknowledging the allegation.
The controversy raised questions about Boot’s integrity as a journalist, given her history of criticizing Trump for alleged foreign interference. Even though The Post is accustomed to us publishing articles written by others, they stated that Boot will keep publishing with them. The Council on Foreign Relations, where Terry is a senior fellow, has placed her on unpaid leave pending the investigation.

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