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In Italy fewer and fewer Italians and fewer A nation is dying out



Istat data confirm the tragic trend of declining birth rates in Italy. Thus, the decline in new births continues, a phenomenon that contributes to exacerbating the unprecedented deep demographic crisis into which our nation has been plunged for years. Already known estimates show that in a little less than 30 years, Italians could be as many as five million fewer, a prospect that looms on the horizon: a real extinction of the population.

Fewer and fewer births in Italy

Istat data regarding 2023 show a birth rate of 14,000 fewer than in 2022, or -3.6 percent. There are 379 thousand resident births in Italy, with a birth rate of 6.4 per thousand (while in 2022 it was 6.7 per thousand), the lowest number of births ever recorded. The last year in which there was an increase in births over the previous year was as far back as 2008; from there, there has been a drop of 197 thousand (-34.2 percent) on the peninsula. A problem that is also affected by the progressive aging of the population. Italian women are becoming mothers later and later, thus making the average number of children per woman fall from 1.24 in 2022 to 1.20 in 2023.

Toward the extinction of the Italian population

More and more confirmation, then, of Italy’s declining population. As of Jan. 1, 2024, the resident population has an average age of 46.6 years, with a significant increase in the very old (about 4.5 million over 80) and the historical record of over 100-year-olds (22.5 thousand people). This aging of the population combined with the disastrous birth rate figures presents a dark scenario for Italians, whose survival over time is increasingly hanging by a thread. Added to this is the criminal process of legalizing the flow of immigrants, who are considered the quickest and easiest way to replace our aging and dwindling population.

The Italian government, and even the European Commission should take the problem as central to their concerns. Nothing is more important than survival. The Latins used to say Primum Vivere deinde Filosofari. First survive,, even as a people, then do everything else. Instead, the Italian government always impotent, and the Commission favors immigration and seems almost happy with the extinction of Italians

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