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Only one German on four support the Scholz government. It is a political nightmare



Dissatisfaction with the “traffic light” government (red Spd socialists plus yellow FDP liberals plus greens) continues to grow in the new year. According to a recent survey conducted by the research institute Insa for “Bild am Sonntag,” 76 percent, or about three quarters, of citizens are dissatisfied with the work of the federal government. Only 17 percent are satisfied with traffic lights—the worst figure recorded by Insa since the federal government took office in December 2021.

Seventy-two percent of respondents disagree with the work of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), which is three percentage points higher than at the beginning of December. Only one in five (20 percent) think Scholz is doing a good job. This value also worsened by three points.

If you wanted an explanation for the farmers’ massive demonstrations and the support they are getting in German society, I think you found it. We are now on the sixth consecutive day of protests and they do not seem to want to cease; in fact, they are intensifying, as you can see from the video from yesterday and tonight

In today’s “Sunday trend,” the SPD loses a point and reaches only 15 percent, half as much as the Union with 30 percent. The Greens with 12 percent and the FDP with 5 percent remain true to their values, as do the Left with 4 percent and the Free Voters with 3 percent. The AfD party, the right-leaning party,  loses one point to 22 percent.

The Insa Institute surveyed 1,202 people between Monday and Friday for the “Sunday trend.” The error tolerance was given as plus/minus 2.9 percentage points. On Thursday and Friday, 1,002 people were surveyed about their satisfaction with the traffic light and Chancellor Scholz.

Then, if BSW, the left-leaning alternative party born out of post-communist Linke and an alternative to the traditional left, showed up, we would have an additional fillip somewhat to all parties, but the anti-system wing (AfD and BSW) would rise to 32%, practically one in three voters against the traditional parties.

We would have the liberals completely out of the Bundestag, and the only untouched party would be the Greens, simply because they have an ideology completely opposite to the BSW. And if this scenario came to pass, it would be very, very difficult to see a new German government with any political rationality. They would have to make yet another wild pile.

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