Spain: 51 former servicemen sign a letter against the new Sanchez government, while national unity is in danger

The new Sanchez government, whose allies are the PSOE socialists, Sumar’s extreme left, Basque autonomists, and Catalan independentists, has received the vote of confidence, but it begins amidst a thousand controversies.
Let’s start with the news of the letter-manifesto of the Spanish ex-military association, signed by 51 high-ranking officers, in which they harshly attack the new government, accusing it of attacking the unity of the Spanish state and the honour and operational capacity of the armed forces.
The document is very harsh, demanding the dismissal of the Sanchez cabinet:
Taking into account that Article 8. 1 of our Constitution states in relation to the missions of the Armed Forces, in addition to guaranteeing the sovereignty and independence of Spain and the defence of its territorial unity, to defend the constitutional order, which we consider to be in serious danger due to the lack of independence of the judiciary, the inequality of Spanish citizens before the law and the possible rupture of the unity of the Spanish Nation, this group of former members of the Armed Forces, now retired, concerned about the future of Spain, we raise our voice in this MANIFESTO and call for the defence of the constitutional order, the dismissal of the President of the Government and the calling of general elections, which we submit to the consideration of the Spanish citizens to prevent this and to make them aware of the seriousness of the current situation.
A very tough call came on the day when tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of people gathered in the streets to protest against a government that is seen, by many, as a betrayal of national unity. Here are pictures of the protests
It is fortunate that the manifesto is signed by former military personnel, because if it had been written by still serving military personnel, there would be serious thoughts of a military coup.
This is not the only bad news for the newly formed Sanchez government. The surrender to the demands of the Left and the Independents casts doubt on the soundness of the Spanish budget according to the rating agency Moody’s, with an increase in the political riskiness of the debt and a dangerous push towards budgetary irresponsibility for local communities.
The issue lies in the increasing demands for financial autonomy from various regions, expanding it to encompass social security. However, neither the Basque Country nor Catalonia can sustain pension payments solely based on their current contribution collections, despite their aspirations to separate from the unified social security fund. Consequently, these two regions seek autonomy while also expecting financial support from the central state and general taxation. It appears to be a somewhat convenient path to independence, with the expenses covered by someone else.