The incredible, dangerous Italian scandal that no one abroad is talking about but which threatens democracy

A deep but underground scandal is developing in Italy, linking politically committed judiciary, police forces, especially some deviant Guardia di Finanza elemtni, and politically committed newspapers, close to always leftist circles but controlled by big business.
A very dangerous situation for democracy and politics, which is little talked about because it involves the judiciary and, especially, the relations of some judges with the mainstream press.
Laudati and Striano’s occult network: when justice and journalism become dangerously intertwined
Prosecutor Raffaele Cantone’s investigation in Perugia has exposed a web of illegal connections and dealings involving the former DNA deputy prosecutor, Antonio Laudati, the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, a formidable branch of the judiciary that specializes in studying organized crime, and financial policeman Pasquale Striano, a non-commissioned officer in the Guardia di Finanza, Italy’s financial police that has access to secret economic information about citizens.
The charges are heavy: creation and dissemination of illegal dossiers, obtained through abusive access to confidential databases, with the aim of targeting specific political formations, particularly the “Lega,” the League, one of the governing parties headed by Matteo Salvini.
Covert forces and a certain press wanted to influence the government and perhaps cause its downfall by publishing confidential news
Investigating Judge Cantone’s fear
Cantone’s request for house arrest for Laudati, which was rejected by the GIP, reveals the prosecutor’s concern about the seriousness of the facts and the risk of evidence pollution.
In fact, Laudati sent his own document, “Laudati’s version,” in which he justifies his actions, to 40 very senior figures in the state, including members of the government, top secret service officials and senior magistrates, which highlights the extent of the network and its potential influence. Evidently the judge, based on these contacts, feels untouchable.
The role of the press
The investigation revealed a concerning pattern of collaboration between Laudati, Striano, and multiple journalists. These journalists were mostly from the daily newspaper Domani, whose editor is the Swiss financier DeBenedetti, who is well-known in Italy for his ties to the Democratic Party.
This synergy would have allowed the publication of articles based on confidential information, with the aim of discrediting the targeted politicians, mainly from the League and the center-right, including Defense Minister Crosetto. A situation that, in other countries, would have led to large-scale investigations and perhaps waves of arrests, but in Italy no…
Political dossier and disinformation
Laudati and Striano’s activity went beyond simple intelligence gathering. The sending of dossiers and notes to different prosecutors’ offices fed a real system of political dossierage, while the ad hoc creation of a defense brief by journalists for Striano shows an attempt at deception and to justify illegal access to the database.
A plot that endangers democracy
The Perugia investigation has uncovered a Pandora’s box, revealing a murky entanglement between justice and journalism that calls into question the proper functioning of institutions and the protection of citizens’ privacy. The use of confidential information for political purposes poses a serious threat to democracy and calls for a decisive response from the authorities.
Instead, almost no newspapers, apart from “The Truth,” , which has done an investigation, is talking about it. Everyone is afraid of the judiciary, an almost untouchable body.
The unanswered questions
Who are the principals behind this alleged dossier? What interests lie behind this network of illicit relations? Are there foreign countries that are taking advantage of Italy’s weakness?
The investigation is still ongoing and many questions remain unanswered. The hope is that the judiciary will shed full light on this affair, bringing all those responsible to justice and restoring public trust in institutions.