After Fleximan comes “Dossoman”, the “Dynamic duo” of the anarchist road

After Fleximan comes “Dossoman”, the criminal who destroys speed bumps in Italy
Fleximan continues to strike on the Old Peninsula, but now he has a colleague with whom he can form the “dynamic duo” of enemies of devices to increase fines or slow down traffic.
The almost ubiquitous proliferation of 30 mph speed limits has led to the proliferation of speed humps, some of which are considered very annoying. In Italian, speed humps are called “dossi rallentatori,” hence the name “Dossoman” for this enemy of devices that slow down traffic.

From Voce di Rovigo
Dossoman first struck in Romagna, near the Adriatic Sea, in Rimini, where a speed bump was carefully dismantled and placed on the side of the road. Then the enemy of speed bumps moved further north to the province of Rovigo, where, according to the local press, three speed bumps in a single street were dismantled and placed on the side of the road. The local authorities have said that they will reinstall the speed bumps in a few days, confirming that Dossoman is the enemy of municipalities and, for them, of road safety.
Dossoman seems to strike mainly in Emilia Romagna, because two weeks ago he acted in Calderara di Reno, near Bologna.
Fleximan, however, is not stopping; he is expanding his action. In the last few hours, he has struck both in Rimini and in Taggia, in the province of Imperia, that is, close to France. In Entrame cases, the enemy of speed cameras has demolished two of the most widespread installations in Italy.

Speed Camera damaged in Taggia
In Olgiate Olona, a person disguised himself as a speed camera instead, to make cars slow down. This character may be the future anti-fleximan.
Of course, we must condemn this behavior, but at the same time, it is an expression of the helplessness of many Italians who feel oppressed by the imposition of a public good over which they have no say.
The difference is that speed cameras impose fines, while speed bumps only irritate the car shock absorbers.