In the summer, the CGIL, a left-wing trade union closely associated with the Democratic Party, now in opposition, hinted at calling a general strike against the...
In Italy, the production and marketing of food and feed derived from cell cultures, commonly referred to as ‘synthetic’ meat from bioreactors, are prohibited. Furthermore, the...
Beppe Grillo, the comedian who once revolutionized Italian politics, played a pivotal role in the creation of the renowned Five Star Movement, Movimento Cinque Stelle. The...
The Green Economy in Italy is going through a period of crisis, with challenges, delays, and few positive signs. Decarbonization is not aligning with new European...
Italy-Albania Protocol on Migrants, the solution to illegal migration: This is an agreement signed yesterday by Prime Minister Meloni and Prime Minister Rama to create...
The new Italian strategy towards Africa and developing countries takes its name from the entrepreneurial genius who created Italian energy policy and developed the multinational energy...