Today the manufacturing PMI forecast indicators for three industrial giants-India, China and Japan-were released. As much as these are just forecast indices to be taken with...
The current level of interest rates is sufficient to bring Eurozone inflation back to the 2 percent target. Monetary tightening will have to last as long...
The forecast INPS data on CPI and Core inflation in Italy are out and they are falling sharply. Let’s see what Istat, Italian statistical authority, tells...
The credit sector is currently experiencing major upheavals, linked to a rapidly changing economy that sees a change in the positions of individual countries and institutions...
The United Kingdom and Greece are squabbling over the return of the Parthenon marbles, with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak even going so far as...
Sustainability linked loans, or SLLs , have only existed for a few years. In this short time they have become a $1.5 trillion market starting from...
One of the world’s largest coal producers and users, India, aims to triple its coal production from underground mines in a bid to meet energy demand...
In 2022, Italian SMEs experienced a positive trend with few closures and a rising turnover of 6.1%, largely driven by small enterprises. However, the landscape has...
With three separate flights of Antonov An-124-100 (UR-82008) cargo planes of the Ukrainian company Antonov Airlines on November, the 19, 20 and 21 from Paphos...
A recent report from the Centre for European Policy (CEP) reveals that Germany reaped substantial economic benefits from the introduction of the euro, gaining almost €1.9...
In the EU, if you talk about public debt, budgets, deficits, and the usual, you talk about it in order to antagonise Italy. It is not,...
An unnecessary EU loophole, which was made public late, threatens to outlaw a few million wine labels already printed and placed on the market on...
The large Austrian conglomerate Signa, which owns, among other things, the Selfridge retail group and prestigious real estate worldwide, and which was an Austro-German financial giant,...
On the occasion of the release of Ridley Scott’s controversial film about Napoleon Radio Sud and Ifop held a poll on the popularity of the...
Former Italian health minister Roberto Speranza and the head of the Italian pharmaceutical control body under investigation for covid vaccines. Mario Giordano, a well-known Italian TV...
In an unexpected turn of events, Communist Party of China (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping appears to have acknowledged the imminent end of his rule...
Real estate sales are on the decline, while rental prices are experiencing a surge, signaling a weakening trend in the real estate market. ISTAT’s data...
Criminals have successfully drained the accounts of over 100 customers at the German financial institution Commerzbank. “In some individual cases at a service provider, unauthorized debits were made from customers’ accounts for technical reasons,” a spokesman for the nation’s second-largest private bank admitted, according to the ‘Finanz-Scene’ portal. This elaborate scam involves a blend of computer hacking...
We first present the ECB statement, then make the comments According to the November 2023 Financial Stability Review, which was published today by the European Central Bank...
Italian defense industry group Leonardo announced the successful completion of a public offering in the United States on November 21, 2023, through its subsidiary Leonardo US...